Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Year itch

No not that kind! Every January I am suddenly struck with an overwhelming need to organize and streamline our  home. Last January I began our kitchen renovation, yeah the one we're just finishing up. Here it is the 2nd day of the year and I am already planning to paint my bedroom, rip out my bathroom vanity and completely clean out all of the closets in our home...this week. I know I'm not the only one either, many folks I know get the January itch. You know to make their lives and homes neat and tidy. I guess seeing as I refuse to make resolutions this is my yearly fresh start. So what are you planning? Is anyone else eagerly sorting their paint swatches or preparing for war with their junk drawers/closets/piles? C'mon and tell me what your scheming on...
For me I am happy to say I have finally, (after months of indecision,) chosen which shade of  warm white I will be painting our currently fuschia colored bedroom.
I'll be back tomorrow to pitch my big junk idea to you. So if you are planning on editing the contents of your home, don't throw it all out just yet.

Peace and paint swatches!

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I made my kids watch Hoarders, then we tackled their closet :) First of the year has the exact same effect on me. I'm tackling a large buffet piece in my living room and considering redoing the kiddos room...


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